Thursday 7 October 2010

LIIAR interpretations of brief and magazine front covers terms

  • L- Language- Mise-en-scene , editing, camera angles , sound , digetic , Non digetic.

  • I – Institution-People that produce it, broadcasting (    Does it matter – influence :budget , representation, ideology)

  • I-Ideology- values, morals, messages.

  • A-Audience- Important- different audiences make different readings.
-(Situated culture)- age, gender, SEG , location -Demographic
-effects/ Personally / lifestyle- Psychographic

  • R-Representation-   Gender ,race, religion ,class ,disabilities.

Masthead Title piece -  The magazine's title. Usually displayed in the top left.
Price - Magazine cost
Date - Weekly :Usually from Saturday to Friday. Monthly: A month a head.
Issue number -  A tally of magazines
Barcode - Read electronically and decoded into usable information.
Teaser - One word/phrase acts as an attention grabber.
Main feature : Headline - A phrase that may summarise the main point if the main feature. In large print , different style, bold colours in order to catch the attention of the reader.
Subtitle -  smaller headline that may summarise the feature.
Smaller feature - Features included in the magazine.
Images - Size: CU to med CU. Ranges from one main to X amount featuring one main image and smaller images .Helps make the page look more interseting . It can add understanding of a story and /or entice someone to read the magazine.
Font - Style and size of type face.
Colour - Specific/stylistic/thematic types.
Graphics - Graphcal shapes to highlight feature(s)
Offers/adverts blurb - Banne-Style shape featuring free products/promotions.

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