Thursday 7 October 2010

Second Analysis

Where is the camera?
The camera has an medium shot of the model in the text. This medium shot allows the audience to establish her role in society and her facial expressions. This texts has a simple easily read headlines and cover font. The colours compliment each other with the use of orange in the headlines and title and on the models clothing. Also the colour orange is a warm happy colour and has been used as a code to show college and the magazine is happy and fun and warming.
What choices have been made for a reason?
The model smiling is one to allow the reader to see college as a happy place and showing that this magazine is enjoyable. The use of a female model and the use of femine headlines , such as ' High school into college make-over' shows that this magazine has been made for a female audience only. This could have been done because the college is an all girls college or that only girls would read about their education and enjoy it.
What objects have been captured in the object?
Only the models face and a scarf. This has been done so that the audience fouces on the females expressions which again connotate that college is a happy place to be becasue of her smile.

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