Wednesday 20 October 2010

My Thoughts on my magazine.

My Thoughts
I believe my magazine as whole was a great success , I am really proud of my image I hope that the conotations illisrate that students are not just one person but thousands of different people, which is shown through the different images of different people. Also I've shown that any one can go to college and have fun with the use facial expressions. I have used the masthead title piece ' Future' as ab idication that college is the future , this I hope will promote education. Also I specifically used the colour orange for the subtitles to make the magazine seem welcoming and friendly. In my opinion the font is perfect , becaus ei tryed it out in font size 40 and it looked too big and bold like a subtitle or even the main side title , then when I used 30 it looked too small and unnoticable . So i settled for 36 pt which is good for the sub titles , becasue it is readable from a distance but it isn't too big its in your face like the main feature should be. I have made this magazine a monthly magazine because i believe that students shouldn't have time to read this magazine weekly , and that this magazine should only be used for simple purposes and not used like a bible by students.
The problems
The only problems I had was timing . The image itself took a long time with the arranging and constructing the mid-shot of the model/s but I am pleased with the way it turned out because it looks modern and interesting compared to other magazine covers. The picture is not to be represented by just one student figure but all over them showing that everyone , every student is important . This beleive also contordics the steriotype of students and teenagers ; being criminals and killing people and only being out to cause trouble, this I hope has controdicted the whole piece of the media on steriotypical teenagers.My front I believe has gone perfectly, but I did have some troubles such as it either being too big or too small and not looking quite right for the front cover.

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