Thursday 25 November 2010

Double page spread research#2

The main image of pink is a very happy , effortless picture which looks natural and calming. The facial expression suggests that she has something pleasing to share with the readers of this magazine. The use of the green earrings ,  edging to the corners helps to contribute to the naturalism of the image and interview. The black background makes the picture look framed. The quote from pink in the bottom right hand corner helps to introduce the article to the readers , also this image dominants the page and intimidates the reader. The headline ' Cash for questions' suggests that people will pay to read a good question answered by Pink.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Double Page Spread Research#1

This double page spread has the main image dominate the page with it being bigger than the interview. The image is of Madonna which hides her face but yet we as the audience can still recognise the star because she is so popular. The image is very black and white and not a great deal of colour used within this is to show positive and negatives within the interview with the use of the colour black. The pose she has formed is very seductive making the audience desperate to read this interview. The textual part is in very small text showing this interview is very important and has a lot  to say about Madonna and her life. The tag line ' The One The only , on her life unchained ' allows the reader to think that Madonna has bad news to tell the readers.  The colour blue that is used portrays the interview being negative and saddening , the colour blue also compliments the blackening picture, bringing out the dark tones within in the image. All these conventions portray Madonna in a venerable light were she is able to be hurt . The use of the Columbus lets the interview look like a newspaper article , allowing the reader to  believe that this is an important article.

Content Research #3

There is no main head line/title nor is there any regulars or editorial . The main thing readers will see when they open to this page is the image of GZA , this should interest people in this artist and interest more people to read the magaizne when their eyes track to the right hand side and see the other features of this magazine. The main colours used are orange and red , this is showing the reader the magazine is warm and passionate about their music. Also the way the music star is looking into the camera makes the reader feel like it is personal to them. Also his pose shows he is ready to tell the reader his story and his clothing suggests the genre of music he is in ; Pop , R&B . Furthermore the way the page number in the left hand side is larger means it is more important than the other features. The colour combination is white , orange , black and a some amount of red , these colours are basic and blend well into each other and work well to look vibrant and new.

Monday 22 November 2010

Contents Research #2

The main head is displayed very clearly on the top of the page in the same font as on the front covers , but in different colour to be able to be seen from the white background. The features are on the right hand side only have images to show what the features are about, yet again this displays that we read pictures quicker than we read text. The regulars are displayed in the middle with only text to explain what they are. The colours used are the same as the ones on the front this is keeping a continuity within  the magazine. There is no editorial on the contents , it could be on another page. The back ground is very modern , as far as I can see is it is a painting or collage, highlighting this is a modern magazine.

Friday 19 November 2010

Contents Research#1

      The main head is at the top right hand corner which is in yellow with a black background . The main colour theme is yellow , black and white, these colours are vibrant and stand out from one another this will be used to draw the readers attention  towards the main headline, mainly in the centre. The features have the  most space on this page which will alert the readers of who these people are with the use of the pictures rather than the use of text, because we main distinguish images before text.  Yet again the colour yellow is used a lot. The regulars are in small text and at the right hand side of the page , these to me are shown hiding away and are shown as less important. The editorial is very well placed , in the top left hand corner, this will explain what the editor likes and will persuade the reader to look at , the text is small because the editorial is something most people just scan read rather than worship therefore it doesn't need to be a review just a small sample of what they can read. The colour yellow sybolizes happiness and peacfulness , this contrast with the type of music and people who will read this.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Magazine Research #3

The masthead is in white which stands out from the black background and has an over laid text saying ' The Music Magazine' this explains to the reader that this is THE magazine to read for music this is used to persuade the readers to buy and favour this magazine. The use of colours ( Red white and black ) portray the magazine having a passion with the colour red . The colours white and black are used to just contain the colour red within the front splash, this is done to make the red stand out and attract the readers. The masthead is in white with a red background to make the text stand out more because the background takes up a lot of room in the front cover. The banner line helps explain what the main headline is about in this case the banner line is about Michael Jackson and his music and life outside the publics eye. These are used to interest the readers in the artist and let them relate to the artist. The main image of the star is looking right into the camera , creating the feel that he is looking dierectly into yours eyes. Also allowing the audience to be persuaded into buying this magazine.

Magazine Research #2

The layout of this magazine has the main image dominates the splash , the image has been cleverly captured as we as a reader can see all the faces at the same time as they are destroying the front cover. They are 'distroying' the cover because they are having a 'break through' like its says on the masthead. The colours used are complementary to one another , there is white, black , red and pink. The white and black contrast each other but the red and pink soften the contrasting colours allowing the colours to make a neutral appearance .The logo as always is a red square with a white letter 'Q' the red represents the passion this magazine has for music. The glass that has been broke in the main image by the central group for this month are doing this because they're main headline is that they have had 'Through' this interests the audience in what they have had a break through on and why and how? The left third has not been used as there is a balance of text throughout the splash and nothing interrupts the main image. The camera angle has been used to allow the audience to look directly into the bands eyes , this is done to get the readers attention and get them interested about this issue. The kicker ' Play time for The Killers' has used three different colours to represent three different things , for one the 'Play time for' is in black to show a neutral basic feel but the next part of the text ' The Killers' is in red this could be to show destruction or passion or evil . I believe the red in the text is used to represent destruction within the magazine. This also interests the readers. The price £3.50 is a reasonable price for a well made magazine and would be aimed at the higher end of the income market meaning they aim for their magazine to be for the wealthy population.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Magazine Research #1

The layout of this magazine has the Masthead at the top left ; NME- New Music Express, in bright red for passion which is highlighted by the white outline to stand out from the image, also the font is very simple and easy to read from a distance which is ideal for a magazine so that the front cover will draw the audiences away from the other magazines. Also with the mast head being red the other sell lines are in yellow or white which contrast each other , yet again making the magazine stand out. The image is a medium close up and has the star glaring into the camera, this also is persuading the readers to buy this magazine. The puff hanging on the masthead also adds to the amount of contents within the magazine; the puff being white makes it jump off the page. The major thing I noticed about this magazine was that the left third wasn't used , all the main information was placed on the right hand side, this would add to the attraction on any newspaper stand because the star would be the main part of the magaine the readers see. The splash of this magazine is very organised and slots into each other perfectly . Furthermore , the use of the banner headline helps the reader to establish what the main image will be entitling. The price (£2.30) is made for the working class and lower because the price fits in within the bracket that could be spent on a good quality magazine for their income, this magazine is a good price for mainly students on a tight budget. The kickers on the bottom of the page include the other band which will be included in this magazine , making the magazine attract more people because there is more choice meanig there is more of an audience.

Thursday 4 November 2010

LIIAR interpretations.

Language-Are different camera angles used to represent certain things; such as colour codes used for a meaning why they have been used, and the layout of the magazine cover gives off a certain idea to the audience.

Institution-The publishers that publish the magazines and are usually picked to suit the magazine and it's target audience in the best way possible.

Ideology-Values, morals and messages expressed. Most magazine aim to aspire people, to make them want to be like those featured in the magazine. Magazines sold at different prices to meet peoples' requirements, cheaper magazines have less quality, which is why they're cheaper, and are mostly bought by people of a lower or middle class and students. The more expensive magazines contain more famous people, and are often targeted at those of a higher class, usually those with more money.

Audience-Magazines are usually produced to meet the needs of the target audience, those of a specific age, social class or 'type.' Often based up the buyers profession and their economic spending power, those of a higher wealth are more likely to buy the more higher priced magazine of a better quality, compared to those of a lower wealth who may only be able to afford the lower priced magazines with a lack of quality that doesn't meet their standards.

Representation-Representations often made in the magazine are contained within the magazine and the things used within it, for example the genre of music, or the type of people.

Main task

Main Task - The front page , contents and double page spread of a new magazine. All images and text used must be original , produced by you - minimum of four images.