Thursday 4 November 2010

LIIAR interpretations.

Language-Are different camera angles used to represent certain things; such as colour codes used for a meaning why they have been used, and the layout of the magazine cover gives off a certain idea to the audience.

Institution-The publishers that publish the magazines and are usually picked to suit the magazine and it's target audience in the best way possible.

Ideology-Values, morals and messages expressed. Most magazine aim to aspire people, to make them want to be like those featured in the magazine. Magazines sold at different prices to meet peoples' requirements, cheaper magazines have less quality, which is why they're cheaper, and are mostly bought by people of a lower or middle class and students. The more expensive magazines contain more famous people, and are often targeted at those of a higher class, usually those with more money.

Audience-Magazines are usually produced to meet the needs of the target audience, those of a specific age, social class or 'type.' Often based up the buyers profession and their economic spending power, those of a higher wealth are more likely to buy the more higher priced magazine of a better quality, compared to those of a lower wealth who may only be able to afford the lower priced magazines with a lack of quality that doesn't meet their standards.

Representation-Representations often made in the magazine are contained within the magazine and the things used within it, for example the genre of music, or the type of people.

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