Wednesday 24 November 2010

Content Research #3

There is no main head line/title nor is there any regulars or editorial . The main thing readers will see when they open to this page is the image of GZA , this should interest people in this artist and interest more people to read the magaizne when their eyes track to the right hand side and see the other features of this magazine. The main colours used are orange and red , this is showing the reader the magazine is warm and passionate about their music. Also the way the music star is looking into the camera makes the reader feel like it is personal to them. Also his pose shows he is ready to tell the reader his story and his clothing suggests the genre of music he is in ; Pop , R&B . Furthermore the way the page number in the left hand side is larger means it is more important than the other features. The colour combination is white , orange , black and a some amount of red , these colours are basic and blend well into each other and work well to look vibrant and new.

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