Thursday 18 November 2010

Magazine Research #2

The layout of this magazine has the main image dominates the splash , the image has been cleverly captured as we as a reader can see all the faces at the same time as they are destroying the front cover. They are 'distroying' the cover because they are having a 'break through' like its says on the masthead. The colours used are complementary to one another , there is white, black , red and pink. The white and black contrast each other but the red and pink soften the contrasting colours allowing the colours to make a neutral appearance .The logo as always is a red square with a white letter 'Q' the red represents the passion this magazine has for music. The glass that has been broke in the main image by the central group for this month are doing this because they're main headline is that they have had 'Through' this interests the audience in what they have had a break through on and why and how? The left third has not been used as there is a balance of text throughout the splash and nothing interrupts the main image. The camera angle has been used to allow the audience to look directly into the bands eyes , this is done to get the readers attention and get them interested about this issue. The kicker ' Play time for The Killers' has used three different colours to represent three different things , for one the 'Play time for' is in black to show a neutral basic feel but the next part of the text ' The Killers' is in red this could be to show destruction or passion or evil . I believe the red in the text is used to represent destruction within the magazine. This also interests the readers. The price £3.50 is a reasonable price for a well made magazine and would be aimed at the higher end of the income market meaning they aim for their magazine to be for the wealthy population.

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