Wednesday 10 November 2010

Magazine Research #1

The layout of this magazine has the Masthead at the top left ; NME- New Music Express, in bright red for passion which is highlighted by the white outline to stand out from the image, also the font is very simple and easy to read from a distance which is ideal for a magazine so that the front cover will draw the audiences away from the other magazines. Also with the mast head being red the other sell lines are in yellow or white which contrast each other , yet again making the magazine stand out. The image is a medium close up and has the star glaring into the camera, this also is persuading the readers to buy this magazine. The puff hanging on the masthead also adds to the amount of contents within the magazine; the puff being white makes it jump off the page. The major thing I noticed about this magazine was that the left third wasn't used , all the main information was placed on the right hand side, this would add to the attraction on any newspaper stand because the star would be the main part of the magaine the readers see. The splash of this magazine is very organised and slots into each other perfectly . Furthermore , the use of the banner headline helps the reader to establish what the main image will be entitling. The price (£2.30) is made for the working class and lower because the price fits in within the bracket that could be spent on a good quality magazine for their income, this magazine is a good price for mainly students on a tight budget. The kickers on the bottom of the page include the other band which will be included in this magazine , making the magazine attract more people because there is more choice meanig there is more of an audience.

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