Friday 19 November 2010

Contents Research#1

      The main head is at the top right hand corner which is in yellow with a black background . The main colour theme is yellow , black and white, these colours are vibrant and stand out from one another this will be used to draw the readers attention  towards the main headline, mainly in the centre. The features have the  most space on this page which will alert the readers of who these people are with the use of the pictures rather than the use of text, because we main distinguish images before text.  Yet again the colour yellow is used a lot. The regulars are in small text and at the right hand side of the page , these to me are shown hiding away and are shown as less important. The editorial is very well placed , in the top left hand corner, this will explain what the editor likes and will persuade the reader to look at , the text is small because the editorial is something most people just scan read rather than worship therefore it doesn't need to be a review just a small sample of what they can read. The colour yellow sybolizes happiness and peacfulness , this contrast with the type of music and people who will read this.

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