Wednesday 24 November 2010

Double Page Spread Research#1

This double page spread has the main image dominate the page with it being bigger than the interview. The image is of Madonna which hides her face but yet we as the audience can still recognise the star because she is so popular. The image is very black and white and not a great deal of colour used within this is to show positive and negatives within the interview with the use of the colour black. The pose she has formed is very seductive making the audience desperate to read this interview. The textual part is in very small text showing this interview is very important and has a lot  to say about Madonna and her life. The tag line ' The One The only , on her life unchained ' allows the reader to think that Madonna has bad news to tell the readers.  The colour blue that is used portrays the interview being negative and saddening , the colour blue also compliments the blackening picture, bringing out the dark tones within in the image. All these conventions portray Madonna in a venerable light were she is able to be hurt . The use of the Columbus lets the interview look like a newspaper article , allowing the reader to  believe that this is an important article.

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