Thursday 18 November 2010

Magazine Research #3

The masthead is in white which stands out from the black background and has an over laid text saying ' The Music Magazine' this explains to the reader that this is THE magazine to read for music this is used to persuade the readers to buy and favour this magazine. The use of colours ( Red white and black ) portray the magazine having a passion with the colour red . The colours white and black are used to just contain the colour red within the front splash, this is done to make the red stand out and attract the readers. The masthead is in white with a red background to make the text stand out more because the background takes up a lot of room in the front cover. The banner line helps explain what the main headline is about in this case the banner line is about Michael Jackson and his music and life outside the publics eye. These are used to interest the readers in the artist and let them relate to the artist. The main image of the star is looking right into the camera , creating the feel that he is looking dierectly into yours eyes. Also allowing the audience to be persuaded into buying this magazine.

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